Inflation vs Stagflation - How do Real Asset Portfolios Differ?
Be wary of economic growth sensitivities in your real asset portfolios if the economic environment were to be stagflationary.
Newark, NJ, United States
Newark, NJ, United States
Harsh Parikh is a Principal in the Institutional Advisory & Solutions (IAS) group at PGIM, the global investment management businesses of Prudential Financial, Inc. Dr. Parikh heads the real assets research program and is also responsible for index-based solutions research. He joined PGIM as an Investment Vice President in April 2015 from BNY Mellon’s Investment Strategy & Solutions Group, where he was a Vice President, Portfolio Manager & Strategist. Dr. Parikh was a co-portfolio manager for BNY Mellon Real Asset Strategy.
Previously, Dr. Parikh worked for GMAC ResCap (now Ally Financial) and Countrywide Capital Markets (now Bank of America). He earned his B.E. degree in Computer Engineering from Gujarat University, his M.S. degree in Computer Science and M.S. degree in Mathematical Finance from the University of Southern California, and his PhD degree in Finance from EDHEC Business School.
Be wary of economic growth sensitivities in your real asset portfolios if the economic environment were to be stagflationary.
There are four elements to successful real assets investing: sensitivities, investment horizon, estimation uncertainty and economic outlook.
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