Joseph Brophy
Contact Info
Contact Info
Prudential Tower
655 Broad Street
Newark, NJ, United States
Contact Info
Contact Info
Prudential Tower
655 Broad Street
Newark, NJ, United States
Joseph Brophy is a Managing Director and the Chief Data Officer for PGIM Fixed Income responsible for data governance, oversight and management. Mr. Brophy also leads teams responsible for the Firm’s Security Master Data and Pricing functions, globally, as well as a team responsible for performing document reviews related to ERISA eligibility. He joined the Firm in 1996, and PGIM Fixed Income in 1999. Prior to joining the Firm, Mr. Brophy worked in Global Trading Operations and Systems at Chase Manhattan Bank. He received a Bachelor’s Degree from Baruch College and an MBA from Wagner College.
All information as of November 2024. For purposes of the biographies, the “Firm” is defined as Prudential Financial, Inc. ("PFI"). All PGIM and Prudential named entities are subsidiaries or affiliates of PFI. PFI of the United States is not affiliated in any manner with Prudential plc, incorporated in the United Kingdom or with Prudential Assurance Company, a subsidiary of M&G plc, incorporated in the United Kingdom.