Plastic Packaging Insights
Dec 1, 2023
Exploring the environmental and societal impacts from plastic packaging, along with the credit materiality of plastic packaging issuers.
The Problems with Plastic Packaging
Degradation of natural systems
Plastics’ extremely prolonged degradation process can create lethal hazards.
Harm to human health
Considering that most of the plastic ever produced was made in the last few years, the cumulative, long-term effects of exposure will likely continue to emerge in the coming years.
Greenhouse gas emissions
Given the sheer volume of production, plastics are fast becoming one of the most significant uses of fossil fuels and their associated emissions.
Significant economic costs
Plastic pollution inflicts particular harm on countries that rely on coastal tourism.
Plastic Packaging and its Investment Implications
This paper addresses the problems with plastic packaging and the thorny tradeoffs from alternative materials and culminates with our perspective from the two lenses through which we view ESG: the impact that companies have on the environment and society through their products, services, and operations irrespective of financial materiality; and the financially material risks that companies face from environmental and social factors.
Plastic packaging reduces food waste and provides...
CO2 Emissions from Food Waste is About Double that from Plastic Packaging Production
Source: Journal of Industrial Ecology, June 2019
lower lifecycle emissions than alternative materials...
The GHG Emissions from a Glass Bottle Are More than Four Times as Intensive as Plastic Bottle Production
Source: Imperial College London
But insufficient and ineffective recycling limits the production of recycled plastic products.
Plastic Packaging Predicament: The Best-Worst Option
Listen as we delve deeper into the multifaceted challenges posed by the plastic waste crisis, explore potential solutions that can lead towards a more sustainable future and share our insights on the fundamental outlook for U.S. plastic packaging companies as well as what impact-oriented investors should consider when it comes to the plastic packaging sector.
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