Inflation vs Stagflation - How do Real Asset Portfolios Differ?
Be wary of economic growth sensitivities in your real asset portfolios if the economic environment were to be stagflationary.
Real assets can play a vital role in institutional portfolios, and PGIM’s Institutional Advisory & Solutions (IAS) group has done extensive research estimating real asset sensitivities to both macroeconomic variables and traditional financial market performance. In a recent webinar, PGIM experts discussed their findings and expanded on opportunities available within the real asset space
Real assets can play a vital role in institutional portfolios.
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Be wary of economic growth sensitivities in your real asset portfolios if the economic environment were to be stagflationary.
What is the role of gold in an institutional portfolio? Inflation hedge? Growth hedge? Diversifier? What does the evidence show?
There are four elements to successful real assets investing: sensitivities, investment horizon, estimation uncertainty and economic outlook.