When the PGIM Jennison Carbon Solutions Equity Fund was still in the planning stages, its investment management team noticed a common theme in most traditional decarbonisation strategies: a narrow focus on ‘green’ industries such as electric vehicles, batteries and renewable energy. Yet this limited approach, as Jennison Client Portfolio Manager Raj Shant and his colleagues realised, falls far short of what is needed to meet society’s goal of reaching a low-carbon economy while maintaining or improving today’s standard of living. So, the Fund adopted a much broader approach by focusing on the diverse array of companies and industries contributing to the decarbonisation journey, including those that are helping avoid emissions in the first place.
Shant acknowledged that these avoided emissions, referred to as Scope 4, are often very difficult to quantify. How do you measure emissions that were never released because a company figured out a process that significantly reduces or eliminates pollution? Understanding the Scope 4 aspect of potential investments requires a deep, company-by-company analysis of prospective holdings, Shant said; and most environmental, social and governance (ESG) data vendors are not equipped for that kind of intense, granular, fundamental research. In Shant’s view, emissions analysis is incomplete unless it accounts for avoided emissions, which is a key part of the Fund’s framework.
Taking a broad-based approach offers investors another potential benefit: diversification. While most traditional decarbonisation portfolios hold the typical stocks from ‘green” industries, broad-based carbon-reduction portfolios may hold stocks from the consulting industry or even a clean-burning natural gas company from the energy industry. In Shant’s view, the decarbonisation transition is not an event: it’s a journey that will progress over time. It’s critical for investors to maintain an open mind and look at the bigger picture that includes a vast array of exciting investment opportunities.
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